Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Trades into Tuesday, March 14th

If you have registered in the last week on the web page registration Google has mucked up the process again and I can guarantee that your registration did not process.  Right now they are showing the page as having ZERO registered uses, which is obviously an error.  I registered my email last night and it's not in the list (obviously), sooooo, wait a few days and I'll let you know when the list appears.

I attempt to have this posted by the morning open, so you should be able to check back daily and see what I'm doing.  Don't trust Google for an update until I let you know they have removed the gum from their gears.


For the AAII CI-SIG group, we are planning to have a face-face meeting on 3/25.  Details to follow.


There is one selling order for Tuesday..

There are no purchase orders for Tuesday.


Two positions of XLB, one at 10% and the other at 20% within the TPS 1-2-3-4 strategy, are marked for sell this morning.  The combined order is:
  • STC ALL shares XLB market at open.
True to form I would not activate the order until 9:32 a/ET.

I took the trade at the close last evening and received a close position price of $52.26, which was the actual close price.  I took the trade about 15 seconds before the closing bell.  Both positions barely closed in positive territory; net of commissions, the 32 share order gained $7.32 and the 63 share position gained $3.41.

Total gains, net of commissions, are now $704.00 on a basis of $66,603.  This is a gain of just over 1.06% for the 5 weeks or so, and is above averages.


1-Year Rolling Performance

Historical, rolling, 1-year performance is as follows.  The numbers will be different than previous blog entries because this is a ROLLING snapshot -- the period shown below is 3/15/2016 to 3/14/2017 (through this morning, to capture all end-of-day trades on the previous trading day).  Note the large open trade P/L value, which is better than Friday but still quite negative.  Some losing trades are in my future unless the markets really take off.

Summary Value
Total Return $6,539.29
Total Realized Return $7,558.24
Gross Profit $11,610.82
Gross Loss ($4,052.58)
Open Trade P/L ($1,018.95)
Number of Trades 244
Number of Winning Trades 173
Number of Losing Trades 71
% Profitable 70.90%
Average Trade $30.98
Average Trade (%) 0.61%
Standard Deviation Trade $97.90
Standard Deviation Trade (%) 1.66%
Largest Winning Trade $442.60
Largest Losing Trade ($469.06)
Profit Factor 2.87
Average Win / Average Loss 1.18
Sharpe Ratio 0.1948
K-Ratio 0.4034
Return Retracement Ratio 10.4855
Compounded Annual Return 11.46%
Compounded Monthly Return 0.90%
Average Annual Return $3,269.65
Average Annual Return (%) 5.64%
Average Monthly Return $503.02
Average Monthly Return (%) 0.85%
Percent Days Profitable 43.43%
Percent Months Profitable 69.23%
Percent Years Profitable 100.00%
Commissions on Futures $0.00
Commissions on Currencies $0.00
Commissions on Equities $972.67
Total Commissions $972.67


As with all my ramblings, you are responsible for your own investment decisions and I am not.  Please do your own diligence, and please take ownership for your actions.



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